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Postdoc Position within Sustainable Lake Restoration

A 3-years postdoc position is available at the Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
The expected start date is 15 August 2024, or soon thereafter. 

Project background 
Freshwater systems throughout the world are in poor condition, mainly due to decades of nutrient pollution.
The main cause of poor water quality is excess phosphorous (P) that causes excessive phytoplankton growth, leading to poor water quality and loss of biodiversity in our lakes.
To combat eutrophication, it is essential to reduce P levels, and, recently, sustainable lake restoration measures as well as circularity are increasingly demanded. 

The announced postdoc position is part of the international and interdisciplinary project FERRO (Fostering European Lake Restoration by nutrient removal, recovery, and reuse: integrated catchment and in-lake solutions), which is led by the German UFZ (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research) and funded by the EU.
FERRO focuses on the recovery of P from catchments and lakes and reusing it in agriculture.
Specifically in this sub-project, we aim at removing nutrient-rich water from the hypolimnion by solar-driven water pumps installed on pontoons.
The water will be pumped on land where P is removed by iron-rich filter material.
For this purpose, different filter materials will be tested, aiming at efficient P removal as well as later P solubility and availability for plant growth in agriculture. 

Tasks and qualifications
We are looking for an enthusiastic, self-driven and ambitious candidate with a Ph.D.
degree in environmental sciences, environmental engineering, environmental chemistry, or related fields.
The candidate will be in charge of installing and maintaining solar-driven pumps and monitoring water quality parameters at Lake Fure (DK), Vrchlice Reservoir (CZ) and other study sites.
The pumps will be installed on pontoons and positioned above hot-spot areas of P release.
These areas will be identified my sonar scanning and/or artificially created by stopping installed oxygenation systems (depending on the lake).
Further, recyclable filter materials will be tested to efficiently remove P from the P-rich hypolimnetic water.
P binding capacity and kinetics as well as P ad- and desorption characteristics of the filter materials will be investigated in the lab and promising materials will be upscaled for large-scale field applications to recycle P.
The work will be conducted in collaboration with other work packages within the FERRO project, and contribution to these (such as sonar scanning, monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions) is provided. 

A driving license is a must to be able to visit the study sites regularly.
The ability to conduct at times physical-demanding and practical fieldwork and to steer a boat is advantageous.
Good English language skills are required, and the candidate should possess good interpersonal skills.
It is assumed that the candidate is willing to travel to and to stay at field sites outside Denmark (e.g.
CZ or GER) and to participate in projects meetings and international conferences to discuss and present the results.
Furthermore, teaching obligations at the Department of Biology should be expected.

Application deadline: 23 May 2024 at 23:59 hours local Danish time

Please see the full call, including how to apply, on www.sdu.dk

Syddansk Universitet

Campusvej 55
5230 Arbejdspladsen ligger i Odense kommune
Solvej Davidsen
publicerad: 2024-05-07
Akademisk arbejde
sista ansökningsdag: 2024-05-23

Källa: ArbetsAnnonser.se